The Penitent Pirate – available now for pre-order!

The Penitent Pirate coverI’m thrilled to announce that book four of the Pirates of Port Royal series, The Penitent Pirate, is finally finished! It was previously published with Loose Id, but it’s been reviewed, revised, and given a spiffy new cover.

Releasing on 28 August, The Penitent Pirate is available for pre-order now from your favourite ebook store.

The Penitent Pirate picks up Perry and Quinn’s story after the hair-raising events of the summer. Though months have passed, Quinn can’t shake the trauma of his imprisonment…

Will Perry follow his heart? Or his duty?

After peaceful months ashore, Perry and Quinn are ready to return to the life they love—roving with the Brethren of the Coast aboard the pirate ship Audacious. But Quinn is still haunted by his torture in a Spanish dungeon. Perry hopes being back at sea will restore his matelot to his old self.

But to Perry’s dismay, Raphe Ashburn of Night Hawk has returned to Port Royal.

Charming, aristocratic, witty—Captain Ashburn is everything Perry wishes he could be. Once, he and Quinn burned up Port Royal with their passion. Now he wants Quinn back, and he’s not above any nasty trick to achieve his aim. But with England on the brink of war, Perry is reluctant to challenge, and perhaps lose, a valuable ally in the coming conflict.

And then a rival from Perry’s old ship reappears when he’s least expected. Perry is forced to return to the navy and renounce his pirate brethren. And he can’t tell anyone the truth lest he puts them in grave peril.

Perry fears he’ll never see his matelot again, for Quinn is not the man to brook such a betrayal. And the dashing Captain Ashburn is waiting in the wings…

The Penitent Pirate is a thrilling adventure filled with dashing deeds and perilous secrets. Get swept overboard by the fierce passion of two men who would give up everything for the other.

For a sneak peek at The Penitent Pirate, click here