Tag Archive | Erotic historical romance

The Penitent Pirate on sale now!

The Penitent Pirate coverI’m thrilled to announce that book four of the Pirates of Port Royal series, The Penitent Pirate, is finally back out in the world! It was previously published with Loose Id, but it’s been reviewed, revised, and given a spiffy new cover.

Click here to buy The Penitent Pirate from your favourite ebook store

The Penitent Pirate picks up Perry and Quinn’s story after the hair-raising events of the summer. Though months have passed, Quinn can’t shake the trauma of his imprisonment…

Will Perry follow his heart? Or his duty?

After peaceful months ashore, Perry and Quinn are ready to return to the life they love—roving with the Brethren of the Coast aboard the pirate ship Audacious. But Quinn is still haunted by his torture in a Spanish dungeon. Perry hopes being back at sea will restore his matelot to his old self.

But to Perry’s dismay, Raphe Ashburn of Night Hawk has returned to Port Royal.

Charming, aristocratic, witty—Captain Ashburn is everything Perry wishes he could be. Once, he and Quinn burned up Port Royal with their passion. Now he wants Quinn back, and he’s not above any nasty trick to achieve his aim. But with England on the brink of war, Perry is reluctant to challenge, and perhaps lose, a valuable ally in the coming conflict.

And then a rival from Perry’s old ship reappears when he’s least expected. Perry is forced to return to the navy and renounce his pirate brethren. And he can’t tell anyone the truth lest he puts them in grave peril.

Perry fears he’ll never see his matelot again, for Quinn is not the man to brook such a betrayal. And the dashing Captain Ashburn is waiting in the wings…

The Penitent Pirate is a thrilling adventure filled with dashing deeds and perilous secrets. Get swept overboard by the fierce passion of two men who would give up everything for the other.

Click here for a sneak peek at The Penitent Pirate

The Penitent Pirate – available now for pre-order!

The Penitent Pirate coverI’m thrilled to announce that book four of the Pirates of Port Royal series, The Penitent Pirate, is finally finished! It was previously published with Loose Id, but it’s been reviewed, revised, and given a spiffy new cover.

Releasing on 28 August, The Penitent Pirate is available for pre-order now from your favourite ebook store.

The Penitent Pirate picks up Perry and Quinn’s story after the hair-raising events of the summer. Though months have passed, Quinn can’t shake the trauma of his imprisonment…

Will Perry follow his heart? Or his duty?

After peaceful months ashore, Perry and Quinn are ready to return to the life they love—roving with the Brethren of the Coast aboard the pirate ship Audacious. But Quinn is still haunted by his torture in a Spanish dungeon. Perry hopes being back at sea will restore his matelot to his old self.

But to Perry’s dismay, Raphe Ashburn of Night Hawk has returned to Port Royal.

Charming, aristocratic, witty—Captain Ashburn is everything Perry wishes he could be. Once, he and Quinn burned up Port Royal with their passion. Now he wants Quinn back, and he’s not above any nasty trick to achieve his aim. But with England on the brink of war, Perry is reluctant to challenge, and perhaps lose, a valuable ally in the coming conflict.

And then a rival from Perry’s old ship reappears when he’s least expected. Perry is forced to return to the navy and renounce his pirate brethren. And he can’t tell anyone the truth lest he puts them in grave peril.

Perry fears he’ll never see his matelot again, for Quinn is not the man to brook such a betrayal. And the dashing Captain Ashburn is waiting in the wings…

The Penitent Pirate is a thrilling adventure filled with dashing deeds and perilous secrets. Get swept overboard by the fierce passion of two men who would give up everything for the other.

For a sneak peek at The Penitent Pirate, click here

Pirate Master – at last!

Pirate Master coverI’m thrilled to announce Pirate Master is finally out in the world!

The story picks up immediately after Perry finally succumbed to his bitter enemy, the gorgeous Gabriel Quinn…

Last night was one of scorching passion, but will it last? Have Perry and Quinn finally got each other out of their systems, or will something deeper come of  their reluctant longing for each other?

Quinn has never met anyone quite like Perry, who sees him as no man ever has. But there are sinister goings-on in Port Royal, and too many secrets he can never tell—not even the man he loves.

Perry has his career to think of, and his family back in England who rely on him for support. Can he risk all for the love of a pirate?

Pirate Master will sweep you away with adventure and betrayal, dashing duels and derring-do, and the fierce passion of two men with the courage to be true to themselves.

Pirate Master, available at your favourite ebook store now.

For a sneak peek at Pirate Master, click here

Pirates of Port Royal series update

Photo by Austin Neill on Unsplash

Image courtesy of Austin Neill on Unsplash

The Pirates of Port Royal are about to set sail again!

I’m pleased to announce that, under the imprint of Sinnamon Press, all previously published novels will shortly be back on the market. Since they were taken off the shelves, I’ve been revising and editing the original works to make them even better than before.

All four books will be published in April in their brand new editions with brand new covers. For release day specials and free reads, sign up to Scribblings & Musings, my regular newsletter.

Four books? I hear you say. Does this mean there’s a brand new Pirates of Port Royal book?  Well, that’s a bit of a story…

When I received my rights back from Loose Id, I quickly republished A Summer Pursuit and The Winter Trail. However, I decided the Pirates of Port Royal series needed a closer look. Amongst other things, I wanted to better incorporate the story arc—murder and espionage in the seventeenth century Caribbean!

And those of you who know me know I feel very strongly about using American spelling and grammar in what is essentially a British story. (I really am too pedantic for my own good sometimes.)

Pirate’s Promise and The Penitent Pirate only needed a light rework, but I was never happy with the published version of The Puritan Pirate. As Keren Reed, my long-suffering editor at Loose Id, may remember! At the time, I felt the story wasn’t ready to go out, but market forces intervened, and I rushed its release.

Having the leisure of no publishing deadline, I thought I’d try to craft the book into what I originally wanted. And that was two books, because it really is two distinct stories—the story of Perry and Quinn discovering each other, and the story of Perry realising he values love more than he values his career.

I thought long and hard. I tore chapters apart and knitted them back together. I wrote substantial new material to round the manuscript out into two standalone stories. And then, I made the plunge. I split it into The Puritan Pirate and Pirate Master.

So, readers, while there’s a wodge of new chapters across both books, giving deeper insights into Perry and Quinn, Pirate Master is not a new release as such. But I’ll let you in on a not-very-well-kept secret! There is a new Pirates of Port Royal book coming soon, but more on that in another post.

As an author, I learned two lessons from this experience.

The first: Trust your instincts. I knew The Puritan Pirate wasn’t ready, but I published it anyway. I knew it needed to be two books, but I listened to well-meaning friends who said it was great the way it was.
The second: Never rush a release! You’ll always regret it, as I did.